About Us

Welcome To Tech Career Bridge,

where we connect individuals to job opportunities. Our mission is to help individuals and communities by matching people’s skills and interests with the right jobs. Using advanced AI, we identify transferable skills, find skill gaps, and create personalized upskilling pathways to employment. Our skills-based approach ensures local talent meets the needs of innovative employers, supporting workforce and economic development.

Our Evolution

Tech Career Bridge was established in 2023 to address a critical need in our community. We saw many skilled individuals struggling to find suitable job opportunities due to a lack of connections and knowledge about the job market. Initially focused on tech professionals in Regina, Saskatchewan, we have since evolved to work with workforce development organizations, connecting talent to jobs and creating personalized upskilling pathways.
We understood that most job opportunities arise from relationships and networks. By leveraging the close-knit nature of our community, we built lasting connections benefiting both job seekers and employers alike. Today, we continue to empower individuals by aligning their skills with job opportunities and supporting their career growth.

Our Mission

Our goal is to empower individuals to find jobs that match their expertise while providing employers access to a diverse pool of qualified candidates. By fostering strong relationships and creating a supportive network, we strive to ensure that both the individuals and the companies they join can thrive and grow together.

Our Tools

Our powerful and customizable AI tools are at the heart of Tech Career Bridge’s success. These advanced technologies identify transferable skills, pinpoint skill gaps, and create personalized upskilling pathways for each individual. By analyzing a person’s unique strengths and interests, our AI ensures that job matches are accurate and relevant. This skills-based approach not only helps individuals advance their careers but also aligns with the needs of innovative employers, driving workforce and economic development.

Our Services

Community Building

We organize regular meetups, social events, and collaborative projects to foster a sense of belonging among professionals.

Resource Sharing

We provide access to educational materials, job search tools, and industry news to help job seekers stay informed and develop their skills.

Networking Events

We host frequent events, both in-person and online, bringing together job seekers and employers to build connections, share ideas, and explore opportunities.

Employer Engagement

We actively engage with local companies to understand their hiring needs and promote the benefits of connecting with our diverse pool of talented professionals.

Customized Career Connections

We work closely with economic development agencies to help connect people to careers. Our approach is customized to meet the unique needs of each individual and organization, ensuring the best possible outcomes for all involved.

Skills Development

We partner with organizations to offer workshops, seminars, and training sessions designed to enhance skills, keep up with industry trends, and prepare for interviews.

Get In Touch

Let’s chat about how Tech Career Bridge can support your journey. Whether you’re seeking career advice, training opportunities, or partnerships, we’re here to help you take the next step. Reach out and let’s get started!