SSEP Career Shift

Change Your

Career Life

3 – month program to support you
 through your career transition 

Want to change careers but don't know where to start?

The SSEP Career Shift Program is designed for you!

You can expect....

Career Exploration

Discover new career opportunities that align with your skills and competencies.


Access personalized earning resources through our partnership with LinkedIn Learning to bridge your skill gaps.

Skill Gap Assessment

Understand your current skills and identify areas for growth with our comprehensive assessments.

Local Job Connections

Get connected to available jobs within your community, enhancing your chances of employment.

You are....

Eager to learn and Grow

We are looking for participants who are highly motivated to explore new career opportunities and upskill.

Committed to Your Community

We want people who are dedicated to staying and working in the community and contributing to its long-term development.

Foresee Job Instability

We are here to support individuals who anticipate job instability due to the coal transition.


How much does it cost?

Participants do not pay any fees. The course is entirely funded through SSEP. To participate, individuals must apply to the program. If accepted, participants are considered scholarship recipients.

How many Scholarships are available?

There are 30 spots available in the Program.

Who is eligible to apply?

The program is open to individuals who:

  • Are residents in the SSEP region (RM of Coalfields, RM of Estevan, and the Town of Bienfait).
  • Have a strong commitment to staying and working in the local community.
  • Show motivation for career change and growth.
  • Are proficient with digital tools and technologies or are eager to develop these skills.

How long is the program?

The program duration is 3 months and can start on demand. 

What is the time commitment for the program?

The SSEP Career Shift Program is designed to be flexible and accommodate your existing commitments. The majority of the program is self-directed, allowing you to complete the learning modules and training at your own pace. However, there are some specific time commitments you should be aware of:

  • In-Person Sessions: There will be two mandatory in-person sessions:

    • The first session will be held on the start date, providing an overview of the program.
    • The second session will be at the end of the program, featuring guest presenters and a program wrap-up.
  • One-on-One Sessions: You will have two scheduled one-on-one sessions with a career coach to provide personalized guidance and support. These sessions will be arranged at mutually convenient times.

  • Self-Directed Learning: The self-directed nature of the program allows you to work through the LinkedIn Learning modules and other training resources on your own schedule. We recommend dedicating a few hours each week to make the most of the available resources and to ensure you stay on track with the program goals.

While the program is designed to be flexible, active participation and engagement are crucial to gaining the full benefits and successfully transitioning to a new career.

What kind of support will participants receive?

Participants will receive personalized support, including skill gap analysis, access to training resources, career guidance, and connections to local job opportunities. They will also benefit from expert advice and mentorship throughout the program. 

Will the program help me find a job?

The program aims to connect participants with local job opportunities that align with their skills and career goals. While we cannot guarantee job placement, we provide the tools and support necessary to increase your chances of finding suitable employment.

Can I participate if I am currently employed?

Yes, you can participate if you are currently employed but are looking to transition to a new career. The program consists of two in person evening sessions. The training is self directed and designed to be completed on your own time.

Who can I contact for more information?

You can reach us with any question through our contact page.